The scandalous detective agency IFW Global and its accomplice Alana Maurushat

The scandalous detective agency IFW Global and its accomplice Alana Maurushat


At times, there is complete anarchy in the financial markets – people have been deceived not only under the guise of brokerage companies but also as lying detective agencies. Moreover, many traders and bona fide contractors have suffered at the hands of such detectives. Such swindlers with the status of world rescuers take too much on themselves in the end and start extorting money and robbing ordinary investors. In this article, we will talk about a separately organized group and its crimes, as well as about one of the leading figures in the history of private detective fraud bug cleanup, IFW Global – Alana Maurushat.

IFW Global and forex scam investigation

First of all, IFWGlobal fraud does this – the potential victim is intimidated beforehand. The victim is blackmailed that if she does not pay the required amount of money, an exposé will be published about her. Real exposure is out of the question because the publications contain pure slander and absurd evidence. If the aggrieved firm agrees, it is given time to live in peace, but the employees of such a divorce do not stop there. Naturally, if opponents do not fall for tricks, heavy artillery is used, and the reputation of reliable brokers is undermined.

IFW Global scam reviews

It is true that this happens to few people in full force because honored brokers with a large client base do not get drowned so easily. It is thanks to them that we can say that IFW Global is a pathetic swindlers who want to profit from other people’s names and money losses.

IFW Global: scam private detectives in Australia

Although the IFW Global background investigation scam portal contains heaps of advertisements about solving serious cybercrimes on the financial markets floor, all this is a media-fueled illusion of a successful detective agency. This can be uncovered if you dig to the heart of the matter.

Special attention should be paid to one of the accomplices of the scheme – Alana Maurushat, who, after her professorship in cyber security at Western Sydney University, decided to switch to the side of evil and join the swindlers from IFWGlobal fraud. Her knowledge of information technology now helps her to carry out extortion with exceptional skill.


The IFWGlobal scam is a complex problem of trustworthy detective agencies suffering from scams like IFW Global. Because of such scams, traders and brokerages lose confidence in such organizations. As a result, private investors feel that there is no one to rely on. That is why such miscreants should be punished.

Many people do not believe it, based on her reputation, the many conferences she has organized, and other credentials, even in financial fraud. However, this still cannot absolve her of responsibility.


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